


September 2022
Dear Families, 
As we welcome back all students to our school buildings this year, the NYC Department of Education (NYCDOE) is committed to ensuring safe, supportive, and inclusive environments in all schools. We successfully foster these environments by providing professional learning for teachers and school staff on how to support students who may be experiencing challenges in or outside of the school day and by engaging families as partners in our school communities.

Driven by our Framework for Great Schools (https://www.schools.nyc.gov/about-us/vision-and-mission/framework-forgreat-schools), we know that schools need to be culturally responsive spaces where all children are affirmed and all families are viewed as key partners in the educational process. We recognize that students experienced unique challenges during the 2020-21 school year and need schools that are prepared to support them. Our school communities are working diligently to support the social-emotional, mental, and physical health and safety of our students.

We ask that you, along with your child, review the Chancellor’s Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning (https://www.schools.nyc.gov/DCode), which includes the Discipline Code and outlines the K-12 Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (https://www.schools.nyc.gov/StudentRights), protections for students with disabilities, and expectations for student behavior. Please discuss these behavioral expectations with your child. The Discipline Code applies to all students—and includes both supports and interventions, as well as disciplinary responses. Please note that the 2019-20 Discipline Code remains in effect for the 2021-22 school year. The full Discipline Code is available in all NYCDOE-supported languages at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/DCode and can be provided by your school in paper
copy, upon request. The Discipline Code outlines how school staff will address behavioral issues with a focus on restorative approaches. For more information about behavioral expectations, please visit

We thank you in advance for reviewing the Discipline Code and for your partnership in contributing to a supportive, safe, and inclusive school climate. Thank you for making our school community better, stronger, and safer for all children. If you have any questions, please contact your school’s principal. 

Best wishes for the upcoming school year! 

Best regards,  
Mark Rampersant
Senior Executive Director
Office of Safety and Youth Development

 Discipline Code Parent Letter.pdf  







PS38 Family Handbook

Please read through our PS38 Family Handbook for information about our curriculum, dress code, grading policy and more.