Dr. Jason Cotto, Principal

Principal's Corner



 Greeting P.S. 38 Family,  

 Welcome back to an exciting 2024-2025 school year! It is my absolute privilege to continue to lead such a dynamic school community with New York City’s most amazing and diverse students, dedicated staff, and supportive families.  

 For those of you might not know, my journey as principal of P.S. 38 began 8 months ago. During this time, various stakeholders and I have worked on ensuring that all members of the school community are valued, seen, respected, and enter a safe and welcoming environment every day! 

 As your principal, I am committed to doing everything in my power to provide all students with fair and equitable access to to all core instructional, specifically with Heggerty (phonemic awareness), Fundations (phonics), HMH Into Reading (ELA), and Envisions (Math). We have spent a considerable amount to align every aspect of our instructional day in accordance with District 31’s priorities.  

 In addition to core instruction, we place great emphasis on school community and student leadership. From as early as Kindergarten, selective students serve as student ambassadors, My Brother’s Keeper (MBK), My Sister’s Keeper (MSK), and other leadership roles within the P.S. 38 school community. All student leaders are tasked with the opportunity to serve as agents of change and work in collaboration with school administration to ensure our school remains a safe space for all students, students have access to fun and exciting school wide events, and that we support causes that are near and dear to the Midland Beach community. 

 With this being said, the entire P.S. 38 school community is looking forward to an amazing school year grounded in academic excellence! 

I'm looking forward to seeing you and your children the first week of school.

Warm Regards, 
Dr. Jason Cotto
Public School 38R



Assistant Principal

Meet our New Assistant Principal

Dear P.S. 38 Families, 

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I write to you today to announce that after teaching the wonderful  children of this community for 20 years, I will be moving into a new role as P.S. 38’s Assistant Principal, Interim Acting. For those of you who do not know me, over the years at P.S. 38 I have taught 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade as well as STEM for grades 3 through 5. I have also been a member of the School Leadership and Instructional Teams, mentor for new teachers, Test Coordinator, Data Specialist, and Technology SPOC, just to name a few titles. Through these roles, I have gained the expertise and experience needed to help our students and school community move forward. 

I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to work with such amazing and dedicated leaders, educators, and staff, as well as our hardworking PTA, parents, and families who are essential to the success of our students and school community. I am committed to supporting Dr. Cotto and the work he has begun along with our Instructional and School Leadership Teams. 

This year we will be focusing on implementing our new ELA curriculum, HMH Into Reading, which is a research based program that cultivates strong readers, writers, and life-long learners. We will also be continuing our work with Envisions Math, which helps develop conceptual understanding, assesses learning, and uses student data to inform instruction. 

Over the years, I have loved teaching your children, watching them grow, some into adulthood, and now return to our P.S. 38 family with their own children. This is a testament to the strong bonds and connections formed by this tight knit school community. I plan to continue to foster this sense of community, to ensure families are welcomed into our building, and that our children feel safe, welcomed, and heard. I truly believe that there is no other school quite like P.S. 38 and I feel privileged to serve this community. I’m looking forward to seeing you as we embark upon a great year!


Mrs. Mary Frisz

Incident 2/5/25

Dear Families,

The safety and well-being of all students and staff members at P.S. 38 remain our highest priority. Toward that end, we are updating you about an incident that took place earlier today during which no one was hurt.

Due to reports of an issue in our building, students and staff were evacuated while the incident was investigated. After it was determined safe to re-enter the building, all students and staff returned and were able to resume their regular activities. 

We assure you that every precaution was taken and will continue to be taken to ensure the safety of our students and staff.  I want to thank all students and staff for their cooperation during this evacuation.

We look forward to our continued partnership as we work together to ensure P.S. 38 provides the best and safest learning environment possible for all its students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (718) 351-1225.


Sincerely yours,

Dr. Jason Cotto


Message from Dr. Roderick Palton Interim-Acting Superintendent

September 23, 2024

Dear District 31 Community,
I am honored to announce that I will be serving as Interim-Acting Superintendent of District 31. Since
joining this community as Deputy Superintendent in 2023, I have been continually inspired by the
dedication and resilience of our students, families, and community members. It has been a pleasure
meeting many of you at various events, and I look forward to connecting with even more of you in the
days ahead.

One of the things I admire most about District 31 is the strong sense of family that permeates our
schools. During my school visits and community conversations, I have come to deeply appreciate your
partnerships and advocacy for our students. Your voices matter, and I am eager to continue engaging
with you in the weeks to come.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Wilson for her years of service to District 31. As I step
into this role, I am committed to working closely with our principals, educators, community partners and
our amazing families to elevate student achievement and support the social-emotional well-being of
every student. Our focus remains steadfast: ensuring that every child in our district receives a highquality education that prepares them for a bright starts and bold futures.
Moving forward, our shared vision will be guided by the belief that "Together is Better." By strengthening
our collaboration and celebrating the unique strengths of each school community, we will create an
environment where every student can thrive.

I am excited to continue this journey with all of you and look forward to the progress we will achieve
together. Should you need to reach our office, please call (929) 569 5109. We look forward to hearing
from you.

Dr. Roderick Palton
Interim-Acting Superintendent

 D31 Community Letter.pdf 

“Dads, Bring Your Child to School Day”

What is current at PS 38

  • Important dates:

    October 3 & 4, 2024 NO SCHOOL

    October 14, 2024 NO SCHOOL

    October 18, 2024   PTA Meeting   8:15 AM   Title 1 Meeting

    October 21, 2024- FDNY Fire SMART Assembly

    October 22, 2024- PALP Grades K-2 @ 8:40am

    October 23, 2024 - PALP Grades 3-5 @ 8:40am

    October 31, 2024- Halloween "Walk for a Cause"

    PS38 George Cromwell School
  • PTA Meetings

    PTA Meetings will be IN-Person at PS 38

    Oct. 18  PTA Meeting   8:15 AM   Title 1 Meeting

    Nov. 15  PTA Meeting 8:15 AM

    Dec. 13  PTA Meeting

    Jan. 17 PTA Meeting  8:15 Am

    Feb. 7  PTA Meeting   8:15 Am

    March 14  PTA Meeting   8:15 Am

    April 11  PTA Meeting  8:15 Am  Nominations taken from the floor

    May 16  PTA Meeting  8:15 Am  Voting in person



    PS38 George Cromwell School
  • What's for Breakfast? What's for Lunch?



    PS38 George Cromwell School
  • What is Class DoJo?

    Check here to see how Class DOJO works.

    PS38 George Cromwell School
  • Devices for Remote Learning

    Do you need a device or technical support? Need help with a broken, lost, or stolen device? Call DOE’s IT Help
    desk at 718-935-5100 and press 4 to get assistance.  
    You can also get quick help online:  
     Browse tech support topics: schools.nyc.gov/technicaltools  
     File a tech support ticket: schools.nyc.gov/techsupport  
     Request a device: schools.nyc.gov/devices
     Get support with a DOE-issued iPad: schools.nyc.gov/ipadfixes  
     Issues with your Internet connection: schools.nyc.gov/internet
    For information on platforms your child may use and ways to support them during remote learning, visit

    PS38 George Cromwell School
  • Attendance Requirements

    Remember that our school day starts at 7:45 am. Children who arrive later than 7:55 will be marked late.

    PS38 George Cromwell School
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School Leadership Team SLT

Our School Leadership Team (SLT) is used as a voice and choice for our children, families and the school community. 
We meet monthly to share school data and areas of celebration at our school. If you are interested in joining our SLT,  you can contact Mrs. Dukhovny, AP (SLT Chairperson) by calling (718)351-1225. Our next SLT meeting is scheduled for February 8th. 

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